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Distance Training

Juggle Club


Juggling is a very important part of a player's development. Although players may not ever juggle in a game, the touch players are getting on the ball improves:

  • Balance, eye/foot coordination, core strength
  • Touch and ball familiarity: each touch helps the player learn the response of the ball
  • Confidence and style: once the ball responds the way the player intends, difficulty is added to the touches, increasing the player's confidence, adding style to their game
  • The love of spending time with the ball: as confidence and ability builds, players will look forward to spending time with the ball to break their juggle record and develop tricks through their personal creativity


When scores are reported from the coach to DOC, or via online submission, players will be recognized with a bag tag to show off their achievement.

The players name will also be recognized on our website!


Players may only use their feet to count towards total juggles. Touches with the feet count toward the total number of juggles. The players must return to zero if the ball hits the ground. All other body parts can be used but, they do not count toward the total number of juggles.

Reporting system.

Players can report their scores one of two ways

- Players can complete their juggling in front of their team coach before, during or after a training session.

- Players can complete their juggling by recording themselves and posting the video to our Instagram or FB page using the hashtag #cr_unitedjuggle or emailing the video to:

where to watch

  • Broadcast Schedule
    December 7 - 13
    8:30PM - Conference FINALS-MINNESOTA UNITED @Seattle (FS1)
    Champions League and Europa League (replays on CBS SportsNetwork)
    6:30PM - US Men's National Team (ESPN News)
    2:00PM - English Premier League (NBCSN)
    English Premier League (NBC and NBCSN)
    7:00PM - MLS Championship (FOX)
    English Premier League (NBCSN)

    Sign up for free at watch the FA Women's Super League games (many USWNT players playing in a league in England)